Wednesday, November 16, 2005


hey guys....i'm movingmy blog to for now....and then it will be hosted on my site - beginning 01.01.06

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Getting Away

So, we're on the way back to Charleston from Walterboro. At first, I wasn't forward to this early morning commute. But, it actually turned out to be a very good thing to go. My dad and I were able to spend some quality time together, and it's been quite some time since we've done that.

It almost appeared to be something straight out of a movie based in 1964....two negros, father & son in a pickup truck going down a country road while dad is inspiring the son.

This morning's trip was full of my dad's childhood stories, which I have grown to appreciate.

But, now, it's back to modern civilization. However, it was good to get away from the hustle and bustle of Charleston,


Let's give this another go!

Well...i'm gonna give this blogging thing another go!!

Here's an update on what's been happening:

Saturday night's concert was a huge success!!! after an extremely tough afternoon and a rough sound check, we made it through. Thanks to the band, crew, and other staff for their patience and persistance. It made for a very pleasant worship experience!!

We've got some more events coming up pretty soon. be sure to keep checking to keep up with the calendar. There's also some new mp3s up there.

Now, many of you have written and asked about the web site. We ran into some issues with the domain. But, January 1st, 2006, and will be live. So, be sure to check that out.

As for the CD, we have hit a wall with the finances. Please continue to pray that God will continue to provide to complete this project.

Well, that's all for now. I'm in the car with dad right now, and we're on the way to Walterboro!! Yay!! (I'm actually secretly scared, but don't tell anyone).
