i dream of a world
Today was bittersweet. Woke up in the mountains of North Carolina. Got some great work done. Had a very late breakfast - yes, 2pm, with Flip. Got some more work done this afternoon. Went over to our venue here in Asheville for load in. Loaded in, soundchecked, got 1/2 way through our set and yes, the police walked in because of a noise complaint and shut our show down.
Fortunately, the folks in Asheville are very supportive of music and they bought heaps of albums tonight.
But, I am ending this day with some unbelievable realizations.
It ends with a dream...
I dream of a world where you can be honest with people. I dream of a world where your faults become your crutches. Where your weaknesses become your strengths.
Where the things you share with people become the things they see in you that become beauty to them. The fact that you are human, just like them. That you are flawed, just like they are.
I dream of a world where people who have questions ask them...to the right people...if they have questions about you, they ask them to YOU.
Gossip is killing me. It's verbal pornography. Think about it. Pornography is rooted in people who want to get off with no love or commitment. Gossip is rooted in people who want to blow off steam without the love or commitment of confrontation or even just questioning.
My world has been turned upside down tonight. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring. But i'm pillowing my head tonight knowing that my tears will become my pillow before too long. I'm sick to my stomach and can barely breathe. This is not fun at all.
"We've got our beliefs, but we don't want our peace. God of peace, we want you."