Sunday, February 22, 2009


I had a really cool opportunity to speak to some folks this morning at a gathering in Beaumont, TX.

Talked to them about my life.  How I've been realizing how God has brought me out of some sort of Egypt [a place of bondage], just as He did the Children of Israel.   He has brought me into a wilderness [and oh it feels like that more times than not]. But,  I must acknowledge that He has given me manna for every day.  

I'm learning what my manna is.  I'm learning that God has given me strong friends, family, communities, co-workers, to help get me through the season of life that I've come into.

I have no clue how God works it all out, but He does.  He gives a dirty, dirty person like me, manna every day.  I have these moments where God is whispering to me saying, "Hey, I'm taking care of you."

I have to take a moment of pause.  Look at my manna, thank God for my manna, and share my manna with those around me if need be.

Monday, February 02, 2009


It's 4:30 am.  I'm sitting in a hotel in Raleigh, NC.  

Got done replying to many emails and taking many phone calls after a very late show at The Brewery here in Raleigh, which ironically doesn't brew beer.  Just your normal, run of the mill music venue.  

I'm learning a lot right now -- about my friends, about my life, about my job, about my world, about my God.  

It's difficult to digest it all at one time.  Somewhat overwhelming.

I'm learning to become more and more understanding of the world around me, the world I live in, and it's beautiful.

Tomorrow will be full of many lessons I'm sure.  

Excited about seeing the ocean for the first time in a while.